حشد كبير من ابناء الزغاوه بالمملكة المتحده وايرلندا
هناك عدة مؤلفات عن قبيلة الزغاوة من كتاب عدة وكذلك مؤرخين قدماء تحدثو عن تاريخ الزغاوة
امة الزغاوة امة عريقة ذات ثقافه قديمه وعادات متاصلة منذ القدم
الزغاوة امة متاصله ذات تاريخ قديم واصيل ومجتمع يتكون من عدة اصول وفروع
مل علي توطید أواصر العلاقة الإجتماعية بین أفرادھا ، عمل لقاءات دوریة وتنظیم المناسبات الإجتماعية ، المحافظة علي التراث والثقافة المعبرة عن
To reflect the wealth and culture of Zaghawa people globally . To boost awareness, about education, economics, society, integration, and how Zaghawa in UK contribute in UK society. To provide a forum for the discussion and debate of matters of special interest to Zaghawa and development To provide information how to find job, accommodation, and right education. To accommodate for the needs of zaghawa people by way of
Currently our plans are in motion to expand further the training and education in social problems and issues. On going projects Children project Open day( Zaghawa culture day ) Youth Services Project Information Advice & Referral Services Nearly/Recently concluded Events and Programs: Training and employment program on different cities Football league and other sport activities)
The Community has embarked on a special training program (‘Business Start-up Training’). The focus of the program is disadvantaged groups who are unemployed and wish to consider self employment Education training and university access training and advices for all community member in the uk and North Ireland We intended to do this new program because, unemployment is most prevalent amongst refugees and asylum seekers with multiple barriers resulting from labor market exclusion including: discriminatory labor market practice; lack of employability skills; language barriers; the benefit trap; poor levels of skills/qualifications and no or limited work experience in the UK.
To reflect the wealth and culture of Zaghawa people globally . To boost awareness, about education, economics, society, integration, and how Zaghawa in UK contribute in UK society. To provide a forum for the discussion and debate of matters of special interest to Zaghawa and development To provide information how to find job, accommodation, and right education. To accommodate for the needs of zaghawa people by way of